In Every Extraordinary Trial, God Offers Extraordinary Graces


The void is palpable today for Catholics around the world who are unable to attend mass. The Sunday mass is one of those things many of us have taken for granted. Until now. As one friend said,

“The mortification of Lent is one thing, the deprivation of the Holy Mass is another... this now feels like an extended Holy Saturday:

"What is happening? Today there is a great silence over the earth, a great silence, and stillness, a great silence because the King sleeps; the earth was in terror and was still, because God slept in the flesh and raised up those who were sleeping from the ages. God has died in the flesh, and the underworld has trembled...." - Ancient homily on Holy Saturday.

But its not Holy Saturday. Its the Lord’s day! So although our hearts are heavy as we hunger for Christ in the Eucharist, I’d like to share with you the words that a young priest, Fr Cedric, wrote in a letter to his family:

Although you may not be able to physically attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you can and you should spiritually attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This can be done every day and indeed every hour

Here is his full letter:

I write this message with a heavy heart. This is truly a troubling time. You and many Catholics around the globe are seemingly deprived of the Mass; the fount of grace where the Author of grace offers Himself to our souls. All public Masses in our country have been suspended. However, no Mass can ever be truly private. Every Mass is public because every Mass is offered for the glory of God and the benefit of every member of the Mystical Body. Please do not believe that you are being deprived of the Mass nor of its fruits. Mortal sin alone can deprive you of the Mass and its fruits. 

Although you may not be able to physically attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you can and you should spiritually attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This can be done everyday and indeed every hour. There are many things that can prevent you from physically attending Mass but only you can prevent yourself from spiritually attending the Mass. 

In every extraordinary trial, God offers extraordinary graces

In this great trial, God is asking you to renew your devotion to the Mass. Use this time to rediscover the hidden treasures of the Mass. In every extraordinary trial, God offers extraordinary graces. Search for those graces. Dispose your minds and hearts to receive the many graces that God is offering to you. You will only receive His grace according to your own dispositions. Examine yourselves and remove the obstacles that are blocking God’s grace. 

At this time, you will be very tempted to point your fingers and shake your fists at the Bishops and Priests of the Church. You will feel as if the shepherds commanded to feed the flock have abandoned the sheep in the desert. Maybe your anger is justified and maybe your arguments are valid. However, the Church belongs to God and He is the true Shepherd of your souls. Have firm faith that God’s Church will always belong to God. Imitate the sorrowful silence of the Blessed Virgin Mary as she stood at the foot of the Cross. If you must speak, let your words echo the gentleness of Christ’s seven last words from the Cross. 

None of you have been placed in charge of the Church but you have been given charge of something very important; your own soul. At the judgement, Jesus Christ will scrutinize each one of your souls individually. Direct your attention, now more than ever, to the state of your own soul. Let nothing distract you. 

God can and always does bring good out of evil. We cannot see the wonderful works of God with our small minds. We must trust in God’s Providence.

God can and always does bring good out of evil. We cannot see the wonderful works of God with our small minds. We must trust in God’s Providence. He will bring much good out of this tragedy and if you let Him, He will let you share in those goods. Nothing escapes God’s Providence. All of this is according to His plan. Trust in Him and only in Him. 

I beg each of you to pray and to pray hard. Make more frequent and more fervent acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity during this time. I can assure you, if you do not pray, this will not end soon nor will it end well for you. If you pray fervently and faithfully, you will march victoriously Christ when all of this is over. Abandon yourselves to God. Remember that He is All-Wise, All-Powerful, and most importantly, All-Loving. God is Wise and He loves you. 

Please know that I am praying for each and everyone of you. I place all of you and your intentions on the altar everyday during Mass. I am spending many hours in front of the tabernacle praying that God will grant you the grace to sustain you. Please pray for me. I am also struggling with my own anxiety and frustration. Please hug and kiss one another for me. 

With the utmost love and affection, 

Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor forever. Amen.

Let’s all take hold of those extraordinary graces. Don’t murmur, complain and blame. Let us all remember Fr Cedirc’s words, “None of you have been placed in charge of the Church but you have been given charge of something very important; your own soul. If you pray fervently and faithfully, you will march victoriously Christ when all of this is over. Abandon yourselves to God”.

May our hearts never take for granted the words we hear in the mass, “blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.”