Do Catholics Worship Mary?
Did you know that the Catholic church clearly states that the worship of anyone but God is a sin?
Did you know that the Catholic Church specifically says that theological concepts regarding Mary are to be understood in a way that neither takes away from, nor adds anything to, the dignity and efficaciousness of Christ the one Mediator?
Many people are surprised to learn this because they have heard over and over that Catholics worship Mary.
Of course, there may be Catholics who worship Mary just like there are Protestants do things that their church says are wrong. But if Catholics do worship her or anything other than God, they are going against what the Catholic Church, which clearly states that the worship of anyone but God is a sin. We can’t rightly judge a church by the people who don’t follow its teaching.
I was overseas a few weeks ago and opened a photo of my new grandbaby on my phone. It was such a delight to see him that I pulled the phone in close to my heart and kissed the picture. Not one person with me thought I was worshiping my new grandson!
When someone prays with their bible in hand, no one assumes that person is worshiping the bible. But if a Catholic is seen praying before a statue of Mary, Protestants often assume the Catholic is worshiping the statue because they already have a preconceived idea that Catholics worship Mary.
Is this boy worshipping his bible?
Let’s clear up some of those misconceptions
Let’s look at what Matt Slick, over at the CARM website, falsely claims that the Catholic Church teaches about the Blessed Mother Mary:
“material from Roman Catholic sources” say Mary is “the all holy one,” is to be prayed to, worshipped, that she “brings us the gifts of eternal life” and she “made atonement for the sins of man” -Matt Slick
Now, if that statement were true, no wonder people would think Catholics worship Mary! But is it not true. Matt completely misrepresents what the Roman Catholic Source says! A lie gets half way around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on!
This is what Matt slick falsely claims is a “quote from Catholic sources”:
“Mary, by her spiritual entering into the sacrifice of her divine son for men, made atonement for the sins of man and (de congruon) merited the application of the redemptive grace of Christ. In this manner she cooperates in the subjective redemption of mankind.” (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ott, page 213) – Matt Slick
Most Protestants don’t bother to check to see if Matt quoted it accurately. Why would they? It looks like a real quote straight from the horse’s mouth. It confirms what they already believe to be true. So, they say, “ Well, would you look at that! I knew it! I KNEW those Catholics worship Mary and there’s proof from their own sources!”
The truth is that Matt Slick left out these words ‘In the power of the grace of Redemption merited by Christ’
This is what the real quote says:
Christ alone truly offered the sacrifice of atonement on the Cross; Mary merely gave him moral support in this action.
Thus Mary is not entitled to the title “Priest”(sacerdos). Indeed this is expressly laid down by the Holy Office (1916, 1927). Christ, as the Church teaches, “conquered the enemy of the human race alone (solus)” (D 711); in the same way, He alone acquired the grace of Redemption for the whole human race, including Mary. T
The words of Luke 1,38: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord,” imply Mary’s mediate, remote cooperation in the Redemption. St Ambrose expressly teaches: “Christ’s passion did not require any support” (De inst. virg. 7). -Fundamentals Of Catholic Dogma, Ott)
This is what the Catholic Church teaches:
Jesus was Mary’s savior.
Christ alone offered the sacrifice on the cross.
Mary merely gave him moral support.
Christ conquered the enemy alone.
He alone acquired the grace of redemption for the whole human race, including Mary.
Mary entered SPIRITUALLY (de congruo)into the sacrifice only by the power of the grace of the Redemption merited by Christ!
Now, this is important, if you don’t know what “de congruo” means than you can’t rightly understand the above quote.
It means Mary is a co-laborer with Christ. Protestants accept that all Christians are co-laborers with Him.
Paul refers to himself as a Co-worker with Christ and he said he filled up what is lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions. Do you hear any Protestants claiming that their church teaches the worship of Paul because Paul said that? Of course not! But they get worked up when the Catholic church says Mary was a co-laborer with Christ.
Mary also played a unique role in salvation history. Gabroe;. the archangel said all generations would call blessed because of her unique role in salvation history. We are one of those generations.
Mary was a co-laborer with Christ like we are. For example, we affirm that Jesus is the one High Priest in the new covenant, but the New Testament also calls us to share in that priesthood (Rev. 1:5–6; 1 Pet. 2:5,9).
We share in Christ’s sufferings (Matt. 16:24; 1 Pet. 4:13).Paul calls himself a “co-worker with Christ” (1 Cor. 3:9) who shares in Christ’s sufferings (2 Cor. 1:5; Phil. 3:10) 2 Cor. 1:6 says , If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which you experience when you patiently endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. Rom. 8:17,and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
One verse Protestants often miss is: Eph. 3:13) Col 1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body, which is the church.Peter (1 Pet. 4:13). But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed“. –Mary, Mother of Salvation,
In speaking about Mary’s participation in Christ’s work, the Catechism of The Catholic Church explains how Mary cooperated in bringing Jesus Christ incarnate to us when she said “yes” to the Angel Gabriel.
“By pronouncing her “fiat” at the Annunciation and giving her consent to the Incarnation, Mary was already collaborating with the whole work her Son was to accomplish”. Did you catch that? She was collaborating with the whole work her Son was to Accomplish. How was she collaborating? She carried and birthed the Savior of the World! That is her subjective cooperation in the Incarnation.
The Catholic Church teaches that Christ conquered the enemy alone
Indeed this is expressly laid down by the Church: Christ, as the Church teaches, “conquered the enemy of the human race alone (solus)” (D 711).
“Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked by the Church under the titles of Advocate, Auxiliatrix, Adjutrix and Mediatrix. This, however, is to be so understood that it neither takes away from, nor adds anything to, the dignity and efficaciousness of Christ the one Mediator.”
The Church clearly states that those terms should not be understood the way Matt Slick presents them. That’s how the accuser works-he distorts the truth to falsely accuse.
So, No, Catholics don’t worship Mary. They honor her just as Jesus honored her.
The Catholic Church’s teaching about Mary is completely compatible with scripture. It is Christ honoring. And it is beautiful. We are among the generations that call her blessed.
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