Jackie and Bobby Angel: Why We Don't Use Contraception in our Marriage

I grew up thinking contraception was normal. Sensible. Smart. Scientific. It was considered the responsible thing to do to wait until you were “ready” to have children.

The idea of using Natural Family Planning was a running joke among my peers at the Christian university I attended. “you know what they call married couples who don’t use contraception?”…Parents!!” ba dum chh.

We had no idea that only one generation before the 1960’s. every Christian church in history of the world had taught that birth control was a immoral because by the time we grew up, contraception had been normalized in most Christian churches. Only the Catholic church held out and we figured they were just hopelessly behind the times. Catholics knocked on the door of the Vatican saying, “when are we going to get with the times with birth control?” And the pope said, something along the lines of, “ill get back to you on that.”

And Catholics waited with bated breath for him to give the green light to use contraception. That green light never came. What came rocked and shocked the Catholic church. It was both educational and prophetic. It affirmed what the church had always taught and why.

Jackie and Bobby Angel have have a 4 part series that shares from the heart about that teaching in their marriage. Here’s part one: